WTO Public Forum 2019: “Trading Forward: Adapting to a Changing World”. Working session: Closing the loop: scaling up inclusive circular business models in selected sectors.
Participating Alliance Member: ILO
Session: ‘Circularity in the Textiles Sector’
10 October from 10:15am to 11:45am
Identifying how circular business models can create inclusive and sustainable development for all, keeping in mind the challenges that circularity can bring. The session will explore how international trade can help to develop circular innovations
This year’s Public Forum theme is ‘Trading Forward: Adapting to a Changing World’. The sub-themes will be:
- services — the next trade frontier;
- the next generation — what do Millennials & Gen Z want to see from global trade; and
- the next chapter of the WTO — strengthening the trading system.
The trading landscape is increasingly characterized by changes in technology, production methods, employment patterns, demand patterns, demographics, and climate – to name a few. Last year’s WTO Public Forum considered some of the changes influencing the trading system and how global trade would evolve over the coming decades. This year’s Public Forum will go a step further and consider how trade, and the trading system can adapt to these changes.
For more information on the Forum click here.
Organised by the Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, in collaboration with ILO and the World Economic Forum